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Your Challenge: 2023 Home Vision Statement

I was listening to the radio the other day and a song came on which caught my attention. I've since learned it was by The Script and is called, 'I Want It All'. What stood out to me were the lines:

"..Not just someone I can live with

I want someone I can't live without

Not just someone I can be with

I need someone I can't be without

I will stop at nothing until I find the one

I want it all and then some..."

Isn't this the same with out home? We don't just want a place to live in, we want a place we can't live without? How then, do we accomplish that? Or even better, if you are living that dream, how did you do it? I'd love to hear your thoughts on that! Send me an email,

Creating a home we can't live without, all starts by clearly defining what it is exactly that you want. Homes are a relationship and like the song says, we need to work at them, we need to 'stop at nothing until we find' the home we want. I don't mean that we search the real estate pages and look at what's on offer, although it is nice to have a beautiful space. I am more and more inclined to believe that home is truely what we make it and I don't think it's just one thing. I think it's an accumulation of a series of small acts which enable us to create what we are searching for.

Like I said before, clearly define what it is exactly that you want for your home. Think about that, chat with those you live with, get their feedback, then write it all down. You may need to do a few drafts but consider creating a vision statement for your home. This is a deeply personal task and it should take time, but you may be surprised that so many answers to these questions, are already inside of you. You may already know exactly what you want in your home but it's ok if you don't. It can be hard to conceptualise something if we have never seen it or experienced it.

For me, it's all about calm. Perhaps that's because I know that with my sensory profile, I thrive with calm. Perhaps also that's because with 4 busy kids, calm seems to be a luxury most days. That doesn't mean the goal posts are moving. The goals posts of calm are always there. Some days, we are kicking goals and other days, not so much. When the 'not so much' days come along, I try to remember the 'kicking goals' days and that reminds me that calm is possible and it can be part of our reality.

Your challenge after reading this... give yourself a month to craft a vision statement- just one or two sentences. See if you can answer these questions:

  1. What can't you live without at home?

  2. How do you want to feel at home?

  3. What sparks joy for you at home?

  4. What do you want to remove from your home?

  5. When guests come to your home, what do you want them to notice and feel?

These questions form a platform of reflection about your space. Print them out, think about them, see what you come up with from your intentional reflection. If you want to chat about your home, send me an email or arrange an appointment, let's set up a time to create a vision statement for your home. Happy to help! In a month, it will almost be the new year and you will have a home vision statement you can take into 2023.

This is your life, your home... let's build a home you can't live without.

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