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Where your heart is.......

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21

This weeks blog post comes from a friend of mine who I met her many years ago when we were both teaching at the same school in the USA. Now, she's the Principal of a private elementary Christian school. It's been inspiring to watch her career journey. One thing I have always known is that she is a woman of integrity with a good heart which is woven into everything she does. This week she posted the quote below on socials and it resonated with me in so many ways.

I have recently accepted a new responsibility of running the children's organisation at church. This is in addition to all the other things I am involve in, which is a lot. I won't bore you with the list. Whilst all these pursuits are worthy and fulfilling, it doesn't hurt to be reminded, for myself especially, that my greatest investment should always be my family and the home which we build together.

Where is your greatest investment? You will always reap rewards where you sow. It's nice to be reminded of what is real and what lasts, especially when life can seem overwhelming. Simplifying can mean cutting back, taking on less demands or balancing the energy with which you undertake tasks. I've found that compartmentalising my life works really well. Reach out to me ( or on socials) if you'd like to know more about compartmentalising life. It's a game changer for most people and it helps to create that much needed balance. It's not always easy because the time traps are always there but you can never go wrong when you are HOME CENTRED.

This quote resonated with me and I hope it will with you too!

Thanks Christi!

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