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My Exciting Announcement

There are a few things in life that are certain, like death, taxes and change. Changes can be both positive and negative and I often like to be in control of and orchestrate the positive changes in my life.

I have briefly mentioned this in a previous blog post but today is the day, it all became real.

What am I talking about? I am talking about a new direction life has taken me on. I have gone back to university to embark on my Juris Doctor which is a Master level law degree.

Some of you have asked me how on earth I am going to do this, knowing all my commitments and family demands. The answer is simple, and it's something I have been sharing with you for the past two years. It's the same answer when we want to accomplish any task, be it, small or large.... the answer is to have systems and processes.

Whether it's accomplishing the home you've always wanted or conquering a career or life goal, the answer is the same... you need a vision, a goal, a plan, a system or process. You work out the resources needed and you keep the end game in mind.

I'm excited for what this new chapter will bring to me and my family. I'm nervous about the workload but I have a plan and that keeps me confident moving forward.

THANK YOU so much for all your support and encouragement in the past few years.

THANK YOU for the messages and emails.

THANK YOU for allowing me to be part of your lives.

THANK YOU for allowing me to help you be a little more home centred.

Finally, the last gem I wish to leave with you is the following quote;

Your house may be lovely but what matters most, is the people who live there and the home you create together. May love, respect, peace and forgiveness be the glue that holds your home together.

Until we meet again, Thank You for being on this home centred journey with me!

  • Emily Linton

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