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How to Master Mealtimes (and how to get the FREE e-book)

For most Australian families, the school year has began. This means the beginning of new routines and changes around the house. Most of us appreciate consistency and change can be a challenge, particularly in a busy household. One area of life that has the potential to be chaotic is family mealtime and particularly, dinner time.

In our family, my husband is usually working during the week so I am a one-man-band for mealtime. Out of necessity, I have created systems and processes that work for us and enable dinner time to be not only calm but enjoyable and fun.

I have created an e-book, available on to help you find success with your mealtimes. I have 4 top tips which will help you master mealtime. I've also included some ready to use, printables so you can start today to make dinner awesome again!

It's really important for families and especially children, to make life manageable and predictable but also fun and awesome. You can achieve all that when you master mealtime.

So, today I launch this e-book and for those who have already subscribed or will subscribe this week, it is coming straight to your inbox as a thank-you for being part of the Home Centred family. Feel free to send me an email at with any of your mealtime mastery questions as I really do love supporting individuals and families to be home centred.

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