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Hot Chocolate on a Cold Day

Those who know me well know that I am quite partial to a hot chocolate, infact, I would consider myself to be somewhat of a hot chocolate connoisseur. Therefor, I am a little particular about my hot chocolate. When I lived in the USA, I was obsessed with Starbucks Signature Hot Chocolate, even to the point where when I moved back to Australia, my friends would send me the Signature Hot Chocolate blend. Luckily, a year or so ago my husband found the mix at a local grocery store so now we can get it any time we like. I have often thought about starting a hot chocolate blog to showcase the very best of hot chocolate but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. I have my favourites and I'm a creature of habit.

This morning, as I do on most Tuesdays, I met with some school mums for coffee/ hot chocolate. It's just a recent addition to my week but one I look forward to after I take the children to school. It's great to see my friends, catch up and take a few moments to "regroup" as my mother says.

With all that being said, why am I talking about going out for hot chocolate when this is a HOME CENTRED blog? The answer is simple; balance! Home Centred does not mean homebody or hermit. It does not mean you life revolves around your home. It doesn't mean you are a slave to cooking and cleaning and washing. It does not mean that you do not have other priorities or interests.

What does it mean, HOME CENTRED? It means you are focused on creating a life worth living with the people worth living for. It means feeling safe and secure. It means filling your life with beautiful things and beautiful moments. It means structuring your life in such a way that it fills you with joy. It means you have a place in this world, a place to come home to. So many of the most important life moments, big and small, happen at home. So many life changing decisions are made at home. When are focused on the idea of home and those who live there, we are less distracted by things which may not fill us with such joy such endless social media scrolling or selfish pursuits.

And this is where HOT CHOCOLATE comes in. When I connect with others, with friends, I increase the meaning in my life. Social connection increases dopamine, the happiness chemical. It recharges me and I am better able to balance my day and my week. It's never actually about the hot chocolate. It's about connection, support and building a village worth living in. Where ever your home is, there is a community of people who are like you or with whom you have a connection. When you find your people, you find your home.

That being said, here is my favourite hot chocolate recipe;

I love this quote by Italian American chef, Giada De Laurentiis. For me, it's true, a warm drink of hot chocolate is like medicine. I find it very therapeutic to my soul especially when shared with friends.

Taking time to recharge and regroup is essential for a home centred life. This can happen in or out of the home. It can happen with your village or alone. It creates balance and you are better able to lean into the very best life has to offer. Often when we are looking for a life hack, we may be tempted to do something elaborate, like Liz Gilbert in Eat, Pray, Love and whilst those dramatic moments have a place, it's usually the choices we make everyday, which, overtime, lead us to where we want to be and allow us to live fulfilled.

So, stop, sit and enjoy your hot chocolate today and if you ever need someone to share it with, I'm just a phone call away.

I'd love to hear from you. Reach out today to begin your home centred journey. We love helping with all HOME CENTRED needs. We support individuals and families, especially those with with diverse needs, to create, organise and flourish at home and with life. Establishing simple home systems, long and short term planning and home and life organisation is what we do best and what we really love doing! Contact us on facebook or instagram or on email

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