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Home Centred or Home Scented?

Let’s discuss sensory processing. We all have senses. Most of us know the popular five- sight, sound, hear, taste, touch but there are actually three other senses we have, which are often overlooked, unless you’re an occupational therapist! These are vestibular (balance), proprioceptive (joint position sense) and interoception (internal sensing).

Sensory Processing refers to the way our brain or nervous system receives messages from our senses and forms appropriate responses. A combination of how we use these 8 senses make up our sensory profile, which is unique to each one of us, just like a fingerprint!

Because we all process our environment slightly differently, we can tap into that super power and essentially curate the perfect environment for ourselves and those we love.

A few months ago I participated in some professional development which turned out to be a great chance to discuss ideas and shared experiences. One of the interesting discussions was about Dunn’s (1997) model of sensory processing. There is plenty on the internet about this however, I find it a useful tool to use when curating and considering our ideal sensory space as people can respond passively or actively to their sensory experiences.

Our sensory response often triggers an emotional one. As an example, I purchased a room spray whilst on an overseas trip recently. Every time I spray it, leave the room, then re-enter, the smell hits me in a subtle yet distinct manner and I feel elevated, my mood instantly improves. The right scent for a room can do that. I am sure you have experienced this for yourself.

An understanding of sensory processing is one key to creating your ideal space, a space that positively works for you. The journey I have been on has essentially forced me to learn a lot about sensory processing and how you can make it work for yourself. You may be on a similar journey with your family. I am here to help!

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