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Happy New Year!

This time of year can be very exciting. For me, there is an element of reflection as a new year comes around.

I saw a social media post today which said, "I'm sad that in a few hours, chocolate and cookies will have calories again." I laughed at that because it highlights one view of what the new year means. Most people set goals and usually 'health' is one category of life improvement.

If you are a goal setter, like I am, may I suggest that in this coming year, categorise your goals, keep them simple, spend January writing and crafting a plan and let February be your kick off.

I love to set goals in certain areas. I usually pick one in each area to focus on. I make sure my goals are "SMART" so they are achievable. Then I set a plan which could mean stopping something or starting something new. The following templates can help you with your 2024 plans. You may want to spend a week just thinking and planning rather than rushing in.

One thing is certain in life, that is change. Life may not always go the way you want it to go this coming year but if you take the wheel, by setting clear goals with plans, you can steady the ship when the storms of life come along.

If you would like support with your goals in the coming year, especially home related goals or areas you would like to improve, please reach out to Home Centred on our socials or via email. We love helping people!

Happy New Year!

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