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Decluttering 1 to 5: What you need to know!

This is a post I have been wanting to write for a few months. Last October I spent the school holidays decluttering. It didn't end there and the following few months, I was actively getting rid of items we no longer needed, clearing out space and getting the house ready for the 'oh so busy' festive season. I did some tip runs and donating to local charities. I sold some items, had a garage sale and made space in our life, not for more stuff but for more peace. I'm a big believer that stuff does not lead to peace whether that is physical or emotional stuff. Our house has never really been cluttered. I'm very intentional about what we bring in but over time, things can sneak in and before you know it, it's time for a reboot.

So let's do it... let's dive into my 5 top tips on decluttering, through much research and lived experience:

Decluttering key tip 1: A place for everything and everything in its place

Everything in your home also needs a home, a place to belong. If an item doesn't have a place to belong it will become clutter and as I always remind my kids, 'mess attracts mess'. You need a place for everything, otherwise, clutter will build up over a short period and it will become time consuming and overwhelming to fix, not to mention the impact that it has on your daily life. The kitchen bench or dining table do not qualify as a place for items to belong as they are utilitarian and should be used daily for meal preparation, homework, dining etc. This can't happen if surfaces are covered in items. If you find that you are constantly putting things on the table or the bench, that's ok, but give yourself this rule: the flat surfaces are clear when you go to bed. That way , you can start fresh every day.

Also, consider this, when you are shopping, ask yourself, 'does this item have a place in my home?'. If not, what do i need to get rid of in order to make space for it? and what storage items do I need, to keep it?

Decluttering key tip 2: Research storage items so they are exactly what you need

Naturally, key tip 2 flows on from key tip 1. If you don't have a place for an item or the current storage arrangement isn't working, change it and get what you need. Storage items can be expensive, especially if they are built in or constructed so have a plan and research your items before purchase. Also, shop around for comparable items as prices vary considerably as does quality. If the storage is in a visible area in the home, make it look pretty. It will contribute to the aesthetics of your home. If the storage is out of sight, choose function over form. In this way, you save money and can still have a beautiful and functional home. Plan out the containers or items you need rather than just purchasing random items. This way you can ensure you have enough storage for the items you are wishing to keep. Also, be savvy. You probably have items already in your hone which you can repurpose for storage. I do this all the time.

Decluttering key tip 3: It gets worse before it gets better and that's ok.

When it's time to declutter or reorgansie, tackle one space at a time. It might be the pantry, freezer, linen closet, bathroom or laundry cupboard or even the kids bedrooms if you're feeling brave. I suggest that cleaning and decluttering go hand in hand. Make sure you have all the items you need to clean and sort the space prior to starting. Then, pull out everything, except of course if it's a bedroom, just leave the furniture but you can bring out the books, toys, clothes etc. Make sure it all comes out of the space. It will make your house look like it's just been burgled or through a natural disaster but trust the process. That being said, you need enough time to do this so you don't have chaos for days on end. Set aside at least a day if this is the first time you have done this or half a day, depending on the space you are decluttering.

Decluttering key tip 4: Keep, Donate, Delete

When you have every item out of the space, it's time to sort. I suggest three groups although four works too if you want to sell some items. I like to use large cardboard boxes, free from Bunnings, or large plastic tubs. Place items to keep in one, items to donate in another and items to sell in another. I use a garage bag for my delete/ rubbish pile and then put it right in the bin once I'm done. Don't overthink it. When you have sorted your items, take the rubbish straight to the bin, place the donate items straight in the car then sort your keep items again. Yep, again. The secret to success is in the sorting not the storing. Sort the like items together such as all the flour or the nuts or the cereal etc. Items that you use seasonally or are keepsake items can be put aside for long term storage. You may also find that in sorting again, you get rid of a few more items. Also, have a look at your space and consider your needs. If you have space for 5 pairs of shoes, why do you have 15? You either need more space or less shoes. That's up to you.

Decluttering key tip 5: Space matters

Now it's time to put everything back but this time where it belongs because by now, everything should have a place. Make sure all the items you are keeping are clean and in good condition but if you do have a repair or mend pile, ensure you set aside a day to repair or mend otherwise you are just moving clutter around and storing items that are not useful. In the pantry, decanter items and fill labelled containers or baskets. You can also do this in other wet areas in the home. If you find that you are lacking space at the end of this process you may need to play Tetris a little bit. If the items are out of sight, they can be layered up or stacked. Or, sort them again and donate or delete more items.

And that's really it...

You need to be intentional and make some decisions about how you want to live your life. It will take time to get decluttering right because it's actually all about creating systems rather than spaces. It's the space that facilities the system which will bring peace and ease to your life.

I actually love decluttering because I create space physically, mentally and emotionally for my family. It leads to a calm, peaceful and loving home with a lot less stress. It facilities positive relationships within the home and allows everyone to do more of what they love. Decluttering really is transformative for homes and those who live there.

If you are looking for more peace and calm in your home and want to start or reboot your decluttering journey, please reach out to or on our socials to see how can we can help with your home centred journey today. It's what we do. It's what we love!

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