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Celebrating Easter with Traditions

In our home, we celebrate Easter. We do this for many reasons, one is because I believe in family traditions, one is because we have public holidays (it's a 4 day weekend in Australia) made available for this purpose but the actual reason why we celebrate Easter is because as Christians, we believe Jesus Christ was Resurrected and because of Him, we can live again. I think this is worth celebrating.

There are many ways we can celebrate Easter. This year my thoughts turned to Easter much earlier than other years which has given me pause to reflect. One of the traditions our family has is to do a devotional each night of Holy Week, which is the week leading up to Easter Sunday. Although the chronology of Holy Week differs amongst the 4 gospels in the New Testament, pivotal events such as the death and burial are the same. In our devotional we read scriptures relating to the day, we discuss them and a connection question and we watch a short video clip. Send me a message if you would like me to send you our devotionals. They don't take long and it helps us to teach our children the reason for the season.

This year I also created two new printables for Easter. One is an Easter advent which you can print and cut and paste as you go through each day of Holy Week. The other is a 'Hosanna' bunting printable which you print and cut. I printed two to a page onto brown card stock. Then, hole punch the top on either side and thread some ribbon through for display. My daughter helped me cut this out and then wanted one for her room too which we printed on white card stock.

As you might know from pervious posts, I love music. During celebration time, this is no different and the beautiful songs reminding us of Easter have been filling my home in abundance this week. Last year my daughter's school class performed this song for their Easter chapel service, Gethsemane. What are some of your favourite Easter songs?

Our family attends church on Easter Sunday. If there is a church near you, perhaps you would like to consider attending for Easter. We also have friends and family over for a special Easter meal that day.

Of course, in our house, we also eat chocolate at Easter time and we have egg hunts. This year I purchased some Easter Bunny feet templates to make footprints with powder for the egg hunts. It's just one more idea to make Easter memorable for children. I always like adding a bit of magic into celebrations. This year the kids will be getting new pyjamas from the Easter Bunny. I find that with the change of seasons here in Australia, it's a good time to switch from summer to winter clothes.

How do you celebrate Easter? What are some of your Easter traditions? Do you decorate your home? Do you share a special meal? I'd love to hear from you. You can email Home Centred or drop us a note on our socials. Perhaps you would like to consider trying a new Easter tradition or new celebration idea this season. I hope you and your family have a safe and happy Easter.

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