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Being Strong!

I was watching a new Netflix show called 'Mind Your Manners'. In one scene with a Brazilian jujitsu instructor, the etiquette expert, Sara Jane Ho, says this quote. I am not sure who first said it, I had heard it before, but it resonated again with me.

What do you think strong is?

I can think of countless women I know who are strong- who get up each day, despite any challenges they may have and simply get on with living their best lives. Strong for me is more than just how many kgs you can lift. It's a personality trait, it's who you are. Perhaps not who you have always been, but like a muscle, you have grown the ability to be strong.

Being a strong person all begins at home. Being strong is totally home centred. What happens when you are in the safety of your own home matters, it's our foundation for becoming the people we want to be and living the life we want to live.

I'm so grateful for all the strong women (looking at you mum!) I know because they have a profound impact and influence on my life.

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