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Plant Mirror Reflection



MEd (leadership and management), BEd, BA (professional writing and communication)

Greetings! Thank you for coming to Home Centred. My name is Emily. My husband James and I are parents to four amazing children. Hubby is a corporate lawyer, and an American. We live in the beautiful Adelaide Hills.

My professional background is education and I taught for many years in both Australia and the USA. When I returned to Australia I completed my Master of Education (leadership and management).

Since having children, day to day life has changed quite a lot. Somewhere along the journey I decided to dive right in and embrace all that motherhood and homemaking means to me. My motto is 'I have one job' but the reality is, as mother to 4, I have many jobs, many many jobs! 

Along the road of motherhood, I have learned many things about life. The diverse needs of my children have facilitated and directed my learning as a parent. The journey we have been on has been totally unexpected, challenging and rewarding. Out of necessity, I have developed systems that make home life much easier. I make deliberate choices about what our home will be like and the influences we bring into it. 

I am often asked by friends and sometimes strangers, how I manage it all. That's such a reflective question and whilst I don't have all the answers, I do have many of them now, coupled with amazing lived experiences.  

Using my strong teaching and leadership background and drawing on my professional writing experience, I knew it was time to share my story and help others to create their own, home centred life. 

xoxo Emily

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South Australia

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